Google Tag Manager SDK via Attentive Analytics template

Google Tag Manager (GTM) allows for rule-based configuration and insertion of dynamic variables to pass data from your website to Attentive.

Within Google Tag Manager, you have a few different objects to leverage:

  • Tags – code that fires
  • Triggers – rules that dictate when a tag should or shouldn’t be fired
  • Variables – dynamic elements that insert data when tags are triggered. Variables come in multiple forms:

    • Pulled from pre-configured dataLayer
    • Configured to leverage elements on the page
    • Custom JavaScript

The great thing about GTM is that you’ve likely already configured it for an existing partner integration. In addition, it can be managed by a non-technical team, so implementation won’t be blocked by the need to loop in a dev team. Below is a guide for how to do this yourself.

Step 1: Install the base tag

We already have a guide for integrating Attentive with GTM here.

Step 2: Install Attentive Analytics SDK template

  1. Go to and open the relevant container/workspace for your business.
  2. Navigate to Tags on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click New.
  4. Click the Tag Configuration area of the screen.
  5. Select Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery at the top.
  6. Select the Attentive Analytics SDK template and click Add to workspace.
  7. Proceed with configuring the current tag.
    Note: The template has been downloaded and will also be available to you for future use.

Step 3: Configure Attentive Analytics SDK for product views

  1. Go to and open the relevant container/workspace for your business.
  2. Navigate to Tags on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click New.
  4. On the top-left, replace Untitled Tag with Attentive - Product Pages.
  5. Click the Tag Configuration area of the screen.
  6. Select Attentive Analytics SDK in the tag type list.
  7. Select Product View in the Event Type dropdown menu.
  8. In the Product section, associate your pre-configured variables to the list of Attentive attributes.
    Note: If the variable we need doesn’t exist, you can create a new one by finding the missing data point on-site and then creating the variable within GTM. If you require assistance with this, your Attentive CSM can help.

    • Standard Attributes:

      • Product Name
      • Product ID
      • Product Variant ID
      • Product Image
      • Product Category
      • Product Price
      • Currency
      • Quantity
    • If available, it’s helpful to configure:

      • User Email
      • User Phone
  9. Expand the Advanced Settings section.

    1. Go to Tag Sequencing and select Fire a tag before Attentive - Product Pages fires.
    2. Select Attentive Tag as the Setup Tag.
  10. Click the Triggering section area on your screen.
  11. Select the relevant trigger for this event tag.
    Note: Ideally, you’ll have a Product Page trigger already configured. If you don’t, we can offer support to help build the trigger in GTM. This process isn’t very complex. It involves finding a value/object in the dataLayer that indicates the page is a product page.
  12. Click Save.

Step 4: Configure Attentive Analytics SDK for add to cart events

Above we covered how to configure for product views. You can follow the same configuration flow here, with the following differences:

  • Configure a trigger to only fire add to cart events when someone adds an item to their cart.
  • Add to cart events don't require tag sequencing configuration. (You can skip step 9 above).

Step 5: Configure Attentive Analytics SDK for purchase events

You can follow the same configuration flow as product view events (including tag sequencing), with the following differences:

  • Configure a trigger to only fire purchase events on your order confirmation page.
  • In the Product section of the tag configuration:

    1. Select the variable for the array containing purchase products.
    2. Enter the specific key for each product detail parameter.

      • It’s important to directly input the keys instead of inserting variables using the '+' sign. This ensures accurate tracking of orders with both single and multiple products.
      • In the screenshot below, note the underlined keys on the left are equal to the values inserted on the right.