
Attentive’s APIs allow you as a developer to integrate with the Attentive platform and build custom applications. Use our numerous endpoints to manage user subscriptions, trigger messages related to user actions, save subscriber attributes, and send personalized text messages.

Attentive APIs

Our APIs return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. We provide descriptions, parameter definitions, and code examples to help explain each endpoint. You can also download our OpenAPI specification at any time.


You can use the Attentive platform or our APIs to configure webhook subscriptions for desired events. For example, you can receive a notification when a user subscribes to receive SMS marketing or transactional messages. The webhook takes information about the subscriber and sends it as a payload to the registered endpoint. See Webhooks for more information.

Legacy APIs

While some developers continue to use our legacy APIs, we recommend using the Attentive APIs, which contain more functionality and beneficial features available to your organization. Note that legacy APIs require different access tokens than Attentive APIs. You must contact to obtain legacy API tokens.

Build applications

Learn how to create a custom app and then make it publicly available for other users outside of your organization to install in their Attentive account. Applications use OAuth 2.0 protocol to ensure that users must authorize your application to make API requests without sharing any passwords.

Developer guides

The Developer Guides section includes details about more technical parts of our product, such as how to implement the Attentive tag to capture behavioral data on your website, the different types of data feeds that we can provide, and the various integrations that we’ve built with supported third-party partners.